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iNPUT-ACE was developed by video analysts to solve many of the challenges faced when working in forensic video analysis.

     The program developers are world-renowned video analysts who are extremely familiar with the difficulties faced by analysts everywhere.  iNPUT-ACE was created to solve those difficulties and to speed up video workflow for investigators, technicians, and analysts who work with video.

Auto-detect formats
Mark and export images
Stabilize video
Narrative Report
Click on the iNPUT-ACE logo for a pdf with the programs features.

Go to the iNPUT-ACE  website for more information or click here.

The videos below show several of the features of iNPUT-ACE.  Depending on your Internet connection speed, they may take some time to download. They are all in mp4 format)     asdfasdfasdfasdf
Auto batch processing
Resize video
Frame Average
Synchronize videos

Contact NEXOTEK for more information on this innovative product.